'GERMAN -DUTCH RELATIONS IN THE 20TH CENTURY' An International Intelligence Perspective

Conference organised by the International Intelligence History Association (IIHA) and the Netherlands Intelligence Studies Association (NISA)
17 - 19 June 2005
Partly as a consequence of the international war against terrorism, intelligence has become a hotly debated topic. Almost daily, the role of intelligence services in international events is front page news. Intelligence and security services, with their natural tendency towards secrecy and avoidance of public scrutiny, are confronted with a growing interest on the part of politicians, scholars and the general public. Especially since the end of the Cold War, a growing number of historians have done research in archives that were closed until recently. In many cases this has shed new light on the role of intelligence services in international relations during the last century. With this conference, IIHA and NISA wish to make a further contribution to the study of this important topic. The focus of the conference is on the German-Dutch intelligence and security relationship in the twentieth century, which covers periods of mutual confrontation, war, occupation, alliance and cooperation. The relationship of the services of other states with German and Dutch intelligence will be addressed at this conference as well. Conference Programme (PDF) Programma (PDF) The international conference was financially supported by three Dutch organizations: Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), Amsterdam Institute for German Studies (DIA) and Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences (KNAW).