
UPDATE: at the NISA International Conference 2023 website you can now register to attend the conference! A draft schedule is available, as well as information on the venue, and more.

About NISA

The Netherlands Intelligence Studies Association (NISA) is an independent study association established in 1991. The aim of the association is to promote academic research and education in the Netherlands with regard to the development, task and organization and working methods of governmental and private institutions involved in intelligence, counterintelligence, security and related past activities, the present and the future.

The NISA currently has around 90 members. Members of the association are academics, media representatives, employees or former employees of intelligence, security, police and private organizations. The board of the association consists of a chairman, a secretary, a treasurer and a number of board members. Becoming a member is only possible on the recommendation of a number of sitting members and after successful completion of a co-optation procedure.

The field of activity of NISA and the expertise it represents covers a broad spectrum of the work of intelligence, security and police services: history, development, research into phenomena, organization and method, methods and techniques and technological developments.

The activities of the NISA include:

  • Conducting (closed) quarterly meetings, in which one of the members or an external (international) expert acts as speaker.
  • The organization of (public) seminars, symposia and seminars that focus on external experts and interested parties.
  • Organizing an international (public) conference every two to three years on a relevant and / or current topic from the field. Members of the NISA also act as speakers at similar events at home and abroad.
  • Facilitating publications, including on the conferences organized by NISA.

The NISA has an extensive network of national and international relations, both in the scientific and in the executive sphere. The NISA also maintains contacts with both Dutch and foreign (scientific) research institutes, study groups and experts in the field together in the organization and implementation of its activities.